Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time To Announce Our Second Winner

Good evening explorers of the lonesome warp and welcome to our corner of the garden. Wednesday has rolled around again and it is time to announce our second winner of the Nurgle Lord of Chaos model.

As I did last week I have picked the name of one our followers out of a hat as is the tradition and our lucky winner this week is...

Nasty looking bleeder he is

A big congratulations to Dalinair from The 40k Project who played the odds and gave us a shout out for competition to secure a cheeky second entry. I can reveal he is in fact not a Trygon but his profile picture was of a different hive fleet so I thought his latest painted monster did him more justice. Looking at his latest posts there does looks to be more to come in the near future so worth checking in on if you like uncompromising nightmarish creatures and their painted Tyranids.

That is two winners drawn which means next Wednesday is our last draw and the last time I use the stock picture of the Nurgle Lord I give you my word.

Until next time keep doing Nurgle's work and you too will be blessed by our generous patron.


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