Saturday, July 14, 2012

Crashed Aquilla Lander WIP

Hello and good day to you all. Welcome back to Nurgle's favoured cupboard. I apologise for the lack of posts by myself I have not been captured by the Inquisition I been lurking in the shadows. All my spare time is currently being pumped into my new home. I am on my way over later for round two of wall paper stripping. I can tell you for those that have never done this that it is one of the most pain the ass things you can do. Maybe I have upset Papa Nurgle and it is punishment. If it is I hope this offering to him will reduce my suffering.

In the time I have had for my beloved hobby I decided instead of painting something small I would go for a larger piece. This is because I am unsure when I will be moving stuff over to my new domain and I wanted some easy to pick up as I often find that if I take large breaks in painting models I either misplace them or I forget what I was doing last or what colour I was highlighting.

The piece I am currently working on is Crashed Aquilla Lander from the Battle For Macragge. I picked this beauty up from eBay for about £7 a long time ago already sprayed and with a basecoat of Machrite Red. I have just finished going over the Machrite Red with Orkhide Shade as I wanted the Aquilla Lander to look like it was used for military purposes in an Imperial Guard regiment for a high commander or something.

So it's not much this week but I will give you another work in progress when I get some more done on it. Until next time I hope Father Nurgle is kinder with his blessings to you all.

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